John P. Bunker Lecture Series Presents:

Ray Barfield: How Storytelling Taught Me That Talking About Death is Part of Living a Great Life at the UU Church in Provincetown, Free!

Raymond Barfield is Professor of Pediatrics and Christian Philosophy at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.  He received his MD and his PhD (in philosophy) from Emory University.  He is a pediatric oncologist and palliative care physician with an interest in expanding the role of the humanities in the formation of physicians. His books include Life in the Blind Spot (poetry), The Ancient Quarrel Between Poetry and Philosophy, The Book of Colors (a novel), and most recently a book of philosophy called Wager: Beauty, Suffering, and Being in the World. His book-length poem called Dante’s New Moon will be released in 2018. Currently he directs the Medical Humanities Program for the Trent Center in Duke’s Medical School, and teaches courses at the intersection of theology, philosophy, and medicine in the Divinity School. He is married to Karen, who is an Episcopal priest, and they have two children – Micah and Alexandra.