From darkroom to digital, pinhole to iPhone, you will find a workshop to help you further your photographic skills!

Digital Arts Week! August 5 - 9, 2024

Digital Art is a growing form of artistic expression that uses a combination of smart phones, iPads, camera apps and posts processing apps to generate new imagery. Simply stated it’s the process of taking and editing photos on a smartphone or an iPad. There are now a variety of apps available for post-processing a photographic image, or for “drawing” and “painting” using these devices. What started with the iPhone camera in 2007 has moved into a new creative genre that offers an opportunity to express a mood, convey a feeling or to tell a story. Books have been published, exhibits held around the world and creativity tips shared on social media platforms. Over the last 10 years digital art has become widely accepted as a legitimate form of art. The workshops offered over the course of the week will provide an overview of some of the most often used camera and post-processing apps in the world of Digital Art. It will provide a foundation to move you toward a new path of creativity. 
NOTE: These are not workshops on AI