Art of Woodfire (2)
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Instructor: Jack Troy
Sunday - Saturday
July 28 - Aug 3
9am first meeting
various meeting times through the week

“Relentlessly Curious…”

Jack’s return to Castle Hill will feature firing the train kiln during the week-long workshop. Bring your work and plenty of questions; be prepared to leave with even more!

Day 1 Sunday Glaze at Castle Hill (9am)

Day 2 Monday Wad Work & Begin to load kiln & prep wood (9am)

Day 3 Tuesday          Finish loading & Brick up Door & Start Firing kiln & Prep kiln

Day 4 Wednesday Fire Kiln & Prep wood

Day 5 Thursday Fire Kiln

Day 6 Friday Cooling (Class does not meet)

Day 7 Saturday Unload and Clean up (9am)

The workshop is open to anyone with confident making skills who is willing to take shifts with partners at the kiln and provide moderate help with wood preparation for side-stoking. We will fire around the clock on 3-hour shifts. Our goals will be to understand how familiar and unfamiliar clays, slips, and glazes respond to the firing cycle, as a means of self-expression enhanced by the conglomerate juju of all our zodiacal signs working together.Our mantra will be, “Tall and thin always gets in; bowl and plate wait and wait.” 

Please no bowls or plates wider than 8”; they should be stacked together. No platters. Sorry, but the shelf space should be as equally allocated as possible.

This is Jack Troy’s 61st year as a potter. He has taught more than 260 workshops and published over 120 articles and book reviews in ceramics publications in addition to writing Salt Glazed Ceramics and Wood Fired Stoneware and Porcelain. Jack Troy lives in Huntingdon, PA, where he taught at Juniata College for 39 years and started the ceramics program in 1968. He has taught more than 250 workshops in the US and eight countries. His book, Wood Fired Stoneware and Porcelain, and Salt Glazed Ceramics are standards in their fields, and he has published more than 100 articles and book reviews of every major ceramics periodical published in English. He and his crew fire two anagamas three times a year.Castle Hill is a favorite place to remind himself that learning and teaching are inseparable.